Don’t Starve

Welcome to Don’t Starve! Here you have to visit a world that is full of science and magic. It will be a real challenge for survival. You have to be confident in your actions and think twice before doing them.

It’s not an easy road ahead of you, but if you do it right, you’ll be delighted in the end. Be patient and enjoy the process. Sometimes your subconscious can play a terrible joke on you!

Choose a character and go to conquer new places!

In the beginning, you need to decide on your hero. You can view what abilities they have to choose the best ones. You will be a mad scientist who works very hard on everything that is possible.

You have been captured by a terrible demon who wants to destroy you. He sent you to a completely different world, thinking that it would break you. You must be careful and make the right decisions. Maxwell will meet you near the gate. He will immediately hint to you that you need to collect firewood to kindle a fire. Here you have to survive by any means.

During daylight hours, you will have a whole list of tasks. You have to do everything in order to feel good. You have to look for useful resources and tools. They will help you with important things that you definitely need to do. You have to look for different options to get food and cook it.

You also need to build yourself a place to sleep. All this must be done before it gets dark. Night is the worst time of the day here. Every second it will seem to you that a monster is watching you. Perhaps it is, and it is for this reason that you lose your mind.

Watch your settings!

In this game, the hero has three main indicators. They show the level of health, sanity and satiety. You should not, under any circumstances, allow them to drop to zero. In the first option, you will not have the opportunity to correct the situation, and you will immediately die.

In the other two cases, you can change everything. To increase the level of sanity, you can cook a few dishes for yourself. For example, green mushrooms, dumplings or eat toffee.

Be ready for the night, because wolves or maniacs, and perhaps even a monster, will not give you rest. Here you can see three completely different endings. The first is tragic, that is, death. In the second, you can save Maxwell. And in the third you have the opportunity to go to another world.

If you succeed, then you can try adventure mode. In total there will be 6 chapters, where you have to find five parts of the portal. It will be very exciting and interesting, so get ready! In Don’t Starve, you have to think outside the box to get what you want.